Progress On The Duke Energy Solar Rebate Plans

Duke Energy has announced a Solar Rebate deal in January of 2018 in the state of NC.

While this is brand new for the customers of Duke Energy, the state itself has been a leader in solar energy projects in the past thanks to tax incentives that would see to helping people thrive to have solar energy in place for residential, commercial and utility service areas.

NC had a great plan in place to encourage the growth of solar energy, but that plan expired and the state hasn't had much reason to be very excited about the prospect of Solar Energy until now with Duke Energy announcing a tax credit for those people that want to have Solar Energy panels installed. 

With the ever-changing landscape in the Political field as well as the energy sector solar energy is a more viable option thanks to more competitive costs of having solar energy. 

Solar Energy is only going to become a more popular choice for people as time continues to move forward with opportunities continuing to grow every single day.

If you would like to keep up to date and know about any of the future plans that NC have going on with Solar Energy please visit duke solar rebate so that you will always be in the know about more tax credits, any future plans to lower the cost of having Solar Energy put onto your residential or commercial property as well as any future Political gestures that may occur with their plans on using Solar Energy more and more. 

Solar Energy has always been seen as a great alternative energy source thanks to it being a means of bettering our planet as well as keeping costs down once Solar Panels have been installed so now, more than ever would be a great time to start thinking about having Solar Energy installed.

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